Website updates

My costume website gets harder to maintain every year… with the design I had before this current one, I never even finished the “friends” and “etc” pages. It was one of those “well, I get to it one day” sort of things. After ages of that design, I got tired of it and decided to revamp and simplify the whole thing after Dragoncon last year.

Well, over 4 months later it’s finally done – and everything is actually there! The etc pages, all my friends’ costumes! Ok, honestly, there’s still 3 or so of Chase’s costumes that need their “sidebar” created and uploaded. I’m planning on finishing those tonight (I’d do them right now, but I don’t have my tablet here with me, and I’m far too lazy these days to do anything in photoshop without the tablet!)

If any of you guys go poke around it, PLEASE PLEASE let me know if something isn’t working. I always manage to miss something.

Also, anybody on my friends list out there — if you have a website and I’m missing it on my links page, let me know so I can add you! šŸ™‚

  • kelvay

    If you want you can link my site for the chapter of NERO I run.

    It is a Fantasy LARP that I just took over 4 months ago. I am sewing like mad to get costumes ready for all the major NPC’s. I just wish I knew how to make some of the things you have made. I love your costumes!

  • darkfirewolfe

    I only found that the link to your Animazment 2001 pictures isn’t a link. Other than that, everything looks fabulous

    And I have a website, but it’s down for repairs, so when I get it up and running, we can exchange links šŸ™‚

  • avian_firefly

    It looks AWESOME! I have no webdesign skillz XD
    Thanks for adding me as a link, I will add a link for you with my next update!

  • thebluelady

    I don’t see your costumes on firefox. ( as in I click costumes and nothing is visible there ) Could be this work computer though.

    • fordanglia

      Must be the computer – Works fine for me in FF!

  • persoconchii

    fab! I like how you edit your chara pic as the costume icon linkie ^^

  • fordanglia

    ‘cinderella5.jpg’ is linked as ‘cinderella56.jpg’!

    • fordanglia

      Forgot to mention – It’s all fabulous!

  • akza


    My cosplay page is Acuatic Cosplay

    Thanks ^^

    • kelldar

      sweet! gotcha! šŸ˜€